• Buy Geotextiles and Geomaterials in Krasnodar

    Krasnodar, Russia lies on the right bank of the Kuban river between Black and Azov seas. With a population of over 5,600,000 residents and serving as capital to Krasnodar Region, it boasts an impressive landscape.

    The region is primarily agricultural, with significant winter wheat and barley cropping on the northern plains and along the lower Kuban River. A substantial number of cattle and pigs are raised here as well. Additionally, industrial crops like sunflowers, tobacco, and sugar beets are grown extensively.

    Krasnodar is a major agricultural center as well as an oil-exporting port and chemical complex at Belorechensk. Additionally, it serves as a major tourist destination. Looking more visit stsgeo-krd.ru.

    Environmental pollution is a significant issue in Krasnodar and the surrounding region, made worse by harmful habits like smoking and drug abuse.

    Industrial enterprises, boiler houses and transportation can eject a range of environmental pollutants that have an adverse effect on human health. These include oxides of carbon, nitrogen, sulphur, methane, heavy metals and pesticides.

    Environmental pollution is primarily caused by the transport sector, which is one of the city's major energy consumers. Estimates indicate that this industry accounts for around 50% of total energy consumption in Krasnodar and its surrounding areas.

    To reduce emissions and improve air quality in the city, several measures are being implemented. The city aims to reduce car ownership, regulate traffic flow and increase public transportation usage.

    To meet its goal, the city has instituted a system for monitoring air quality and ground water pollution in urban zones. Furthermore, it has begun using an advanced filtration system for waste water treatment.

    This system includes devices for measuring air pollution concentrations, as well as ones to detect dissolved oxygen and soil pH value. It also features a gas sensor which can detect sulfur or other gases present in the atmosphere.

    The city is working on a project to replace the current gas-powered pumping stations with an eco-friendly and energy efficient alternative. This new system will be run off of solar panels and wind turbines.

    By replacing the current transport system with a more energy efficient one, over 40% of energy used will be saved. Furthermore, this new system will lessen the strain placed on municipal sewer networks.

    There are also plans to construct an environmentally friendly park near the city. This initiative will enable the city to use natural materials in a sustainable, green development and enhance citizens' quality of life.

    Furthermore, the city plans to enhance its sanitary infrastructure and make it more accessible and comfortable for citizens living there. This goal will be accomplished through renovating existing buildings, constructing new ones, as well as implementing environmental protection measures within the city limits.

    Krasnodar boasts several advantages over other Russian cities, such as its relatively low cost of living. Furthermore, the city is breathtakingly beautiful and provides numerous recreational activities.